We see sustainability not merely as a trend. To us, sustainability represents respect for people, the environment, and nature.

What does sustainability mean in a business context? It’s easy to think first of environmental conservation, but sustainable business practices go far beyond that. As a manufacturer of sustainable kitchens, we scrutinize every aspect of our operations to create a forward-looking strategy. Our sustainability report, structured according to the Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex (DNK) sustainability code, assists in this task. The report clearly states Nolte Küchen’s principles: high quality and durability, which contribute to resource conservation, and respectful interactions with our staff and suppliers – values that have been at the heart of our company since its founding in 1958. Our sustainability strategy is built on four key pillars, providing more than just certificate-backed proof.


We uphold high standards through adherence to European norms. Our quality management pertaining to development, production, and sales is governed by DIN EN ISO 9001, and our energy management by DIN EN ISO 50001. We keep a vigilant eye on our electricity usage to identify saving opportunities and prevent CO2 emissions. As a pioneer in our industry, we became the first German kitchen manufacturer to receive both PEFC and FSC® certifications for sustainable and ethically responsible forestry in 2010, and we continue to proudly hold these today!


Being a mid-sized enterprise, we embrace our social, environmental, and economic obligations. Our stakeholders, which include you as a kitchen purchaser, expect us to perform well. We foster unity and dialogue to effectively incorporate and assist all our interest groups. Additionally, we participate in multiple industry associations.


As a top kitchen manufacturer, we prioritize responsible and lawful behavior, which contributes to our continued success. We pay close attention to areas like non-discrimination, human rights, data security, environmental stewardship, anti-corruption measures, price fairness, and product quality to ensure full compliance. To minimize risk, we thoroughly examine each area and provide frequent training. We’re proud to announce that in 2022, we had no compliance violations!


Given global warming, energy price fluctuations, and limited resources, we're committed to addressing these issues with a formidable sustainability plan. We take pride in the fact that over 99% of the wood we utilize comes from verified sources. We support our suppliers in obtaining certifications, reduce transport distances, and avoid unnecessary travel by endorsing virtual meetings, remote work, and commuting by bike. Our sustainability report and other materials are available in digital formats. Each of these measures reaffirms our commitment to being a sustainable kitchen manufacturer. Our ultimate goal is to achieve climate neutrality for our products, a target we are confident of reaching, given our company's current stat


Electricity was our major source of emission. We reduced our consumption and also switched to eco-power from renewable energies on 1 January 2021. CO2 that we cannot avoid, we compensate for by supporting wind energy projects. Renewable energies and their expansion are essential for a greener world tomorrow. This commitment earns us the title of climate-neutral company.


Despite producing more kitchens than ever, our energy usage has actually decreased. This is due to our increased efficiency. Over 98 percent of our heating is generated by two boilers powered by scrap wood. We’ve also made changes to our lighting by fitting our kitchens, offices, and factories with eco-friendly LED lights. As a result, we’ve managed to reduce our energy consumption by more than 50 percent!


Excellent value for money

On average, our particle boards include 60 per cent recycled material. The machines used for sawing are energy efficient and precise. This reduces the amount of offcut wood. Packaging our furniture we rely on thinner foil, avoiding waste and disposing of it in a proper manner. Should something get broken in the kitchen we have spare parts to repair it. After all, the best way to go easy on resources is high quality!


Sustainable growth can only be achieved when people actively contribute and advance it with their innovative ideas. Our employees are our most valuable resource and a critical element in our sustainability strategy. Mutual respect and fairness are integral to our ethos, and we closely monitor our approximately 300 suppliers across various countries to ensure compliance with industrial laws and human rights. When our team is content, motivated, and new trainees are keen to join and remain with us for years, it indicates we're on the right track. Factors such as a healthy work-life balance, wellness, and professional development opportunities define, in our view, a sustainable kitchen manufacturing company.


Our team needs a safe working environment. In order to maintain productivity in all areas of the company we as a manufacturer with sustainability goals need to reduce absenteeism. Everyone wins when we not only succeed in keeping our employees healthy and therefore able to work but even manage to improve their health. This we achieve by offering sports and rehabilitation programs, ergonomic workplaces and trainings.


Nolte Küchen is an inclusive employer that values diversity. We’ve been dedicated to this cause since we signed the Diversity Charter (Charta der Vielfalt) in 2011. We believe in promoting work-life balance to provide equal employment opportunities. Our flexible work schedules, part-time options, and location-independent roles make us a desirable employer. By adhering to union wage standards, we ensure fairness, boost morale, and enhance productivity.


At Nolte Kitchens, we provide continuous education for career advancement. Individuals starting their careers will find our environment highly conducive for growth. As a SUPERB LEARNING HUB®, we are equipped with top-notch facilities. We offer a variety of courses tailored to individual goals and focuses, while also monitoring progress. This approach is beneficial because well-trained, skilled staff contribute to the production of high-quality, sustainable kitchen furniture.


As a significant employer in Löhne since 1958, we have deep-rooted ties to the local community. Generations of families – grandparents, parents, and children – have been part of our team, promoting strong bonds and deep connections. As a fourth-generation family business, Nolte Küchen is naturally committed to social engagement which aligns with our sustainability agenda. Through both local and national initiatives, we aim to uplift our local community and contribute to Germany's strengthening. We stand by our employees, support education, and help children in need. During crises, we ensure our monetary and material donations reach those in need quickly and effectively.


We are deeply concerned about the conflict in Ukraine. Through Plan International, a child welfare organization, we provide assistance to refugees arriving at their sanctuaries. We also support the global efforts of Kinder in Not e. V. (Children in Distress) and aid apprentices by partnering with educational institutions. We are involved in sports, sponsoring multiple local sports clubs around Löhne Melle. As a result, these clubs frequently receive new team uniforms or upgraded sports facilities.


We support our staff by covering language course expenses. Our financial contributions to the affiliated Karin Nolte Foundation and local bodies such as the Lion’s Club in Löhne highlight our commitment to local children and families. We willingly provide our spaces in the NOLTE FORUM for community groups and participate in sports events to raise funds. In addition, last year, Nolte staff undertook a reforestation initiative, planting over 1,400 trees in the Teutoburg Forest, thereby assisting in environmental conservation.

Join our efforts!

Sustainable practices are continuously evolving, and your contribution can make a significant impact. We’re open to your feedback, questions, or ideas – contact us at sustainability@nolte-kitchens.gr.

For an in-depth understanding, you’re welcome to download our comprehensive sustainability report for 2022.

Germany's most popular supplier of kitchen furniture 2022

The main focus of the open, representative online survey of consumers was on customer satisfaction, likelihood of recommendations and re-election for which we received high scores. A winning series as Nolte Küchen was already voted “Germany’s most popular kitchen brand” in 2015, 2017 and 2019.

Germany's most popular kitchen brand

For the third time in succession: Germany’s most popular kitchen brand. This was the result of a customer survey by the German Institute for Service Quality (DISQ). The interviewed consumers rated 14 kitchen manufacturers, and gave us the best results for product quality, design, value for money, range and brand image.

Certification to PEFC

PEFC certification is the world’s largest independent certification standard that enables forest owners to commit to ecological, economical and social timber production. Its main aim is the promotion of sustainable, careful and cost-efficient forestry management.

FSC certification

Products with this seal are made from wood from forests that are certified to internationally and nationally agreed standards of responsible forest management. FSC stands for responsible forestry based on ecological criteria such as biodiversity and landscape conservation as well as social aspects.

Certification to PEFC

“Furniture Made in Germany” – according to the RAL registration 0191, this means that the construction, assembly and quality control take place in Germany. In addition, the manufacturing process relevant for the quality has to be carried out predominantly in Germany.