Ana Johnson shows the utility room designed by Nolte

Utility room or living room? Dreamy style, functionality and warmth

Welcome to the world of Ana Johnson, the influencer who impresses not only with her diverse social media presence but also with the sense of style, functionality and warmth she has created in her home. Known for her posts about family life, lifestyle, beauty, fashion, travel and DIY, Ana takes us along this time on a very special “journey”: the redesign of her home’s utility room. A favorite project for Nolte.

How did the idea of setting up a utility room come about?

In my first apartment, such a room was already integrated. Since then, I’ve known how practical it is to do housework here. However, this room was not beautiful and therefore needed to be changed when designing our home. This is where Nolte Kitchen came in as a trusted partner. Together, we designed a utility room so well thought out that it looks like a living area.

How were you inspired to design it?

While browsing the Nolte Forum, we discovered the entire Nolte Kitchens range and were inspired. The many different fronts and decorations overwhelmed us and we could hardly decide as the options were endless. The final idea came from good impressions.

What was most important to you during the planning process?

When you think of a utility room, a dark, cold room comes to mind, usually located in the basement. This new space had to be bright, friendly and cozy. Since housework can’t be avoided, it’s better to do it in a place where it’s pleasant to spend time.

What were your “must-haves” that absolutely couldn’t be missed?

Having a large storage space was very important to me. There are a lot of utensils and appliances for housework that practically have to be stored somewhere. Space is also needed for a washer-dryer and ideally for storing shoes and bedding. In addition, ideally we would like to store supermarket shopping (groceries). For all of these, several cupboards, drawers and shelves were placed in order to store them without creating a cluttered overall look.

What devices should be included in your utility room?

There were already two washers and two dryers that should be incorporated into the space. Nolte recommended that we place them at body height so we wouldn’t have to bend over as often. A good and practical tip that makes laundry days easier.

Which details are the highlights?

I find the sorting cabinets with integrated baskets very well thought out. It is extremely practical to separate different types of laundry into different drawers. That way, everything is in the right place from the start so you don’t have to separate everything by emptying it in front of the washing machine. I’m also excited that there was a lot of emphasis on sophisticated details in the planning. For example, the pipes were hidden behind a narrow cabinet which really improves the overall impression of the room.


What do you particularly liked about the whole concept?

Overall, the Nolte team did a really great job. We made our wishes known to them and even the first draft was so perfect that we adopted it exactly as it was. From brainstorming to planning to installation, Nolte delivered our dream project brilliantly and we are absolutely thrilled!